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答案:Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great pleasure that I extend an invitation to you to join me at [event name/occasion]. The event is scheduled to take place on [date] at [time] at [venue].
I would be honored if you could attend and share in this special moment with me. Your presence would mean a lot to me and I am sure that you will enjoy the occasion as well.
Please let me know if you are able to attend so that I can make the necessary arrangements. I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope that you can join me for this event.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]


答案:Dear [Name],
I am writing to extend an invitation to you for [occasion/event]. We would be honored to ha ve you join us for this special occasion.
The event will take place on [date] at [time] at [location]. There will be [describe the activities/program].
We would be delighted to ha ve you attend and share in this wonderful experience with us. Please let us know if you are able to attend by [RSVP date and contact information].
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the event.
[Your name]


1. 日期:在信的右上角写上日期,格式为月份/日/年。
2. 地址:在日期下方写上地址,包括街道、城市、省份和邮政编码。
3. 称呼:写收信人的姓名,如Dear John,如果不知道对方的姓名,可以写Dear Sir/Madam。
4. 正文:开头先表示邀请的原因,然后介绍具体的活动内容和时间,最后提醒对方注意事项,如穿着、交(jiāo)通(tōng)等。
5. 结尾:表达对对方的期待和感谢,如期待对方的到来并感谢对方的关注。
6. 签名:在结尾下方空出一行,写上自己的姓名和职务,如Sincerely, Jack Smith, CEO。
7. 附件:如果有需要,可以在信的末尾注明附件,如地图、活动日程等。


答案:Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally invite you to [event/occasion]. The [event/occasion] will take place on [date] at [time] at [location]. We would be honored if you could join us for this special occasion.
The purpose of the [event/occasion] is [brief explanation]. It will be a [description of event/occasion] and we believe that your presence would add to the joy and excitement of the day.
We ha ve arranged for [details of event/occasion], and we are confident that you will enjoy the festivities. In addition, there will be [additional activities/entertainment], which we believe you will find entertaining.
We would be delighted if you could attend and share in our joy. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are able to attend.
Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to seeing you soon.
[Your Name]


答案:1. We would be honored if you could join us for...


