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答案:Hi there, how are you doing today?
Bob: I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?
Ai: I'm good, thanks. Ha ve you been busy lately?
Bob: Yeah, actually I ha ve. I've been working on a big project at work.
Ai: That sounds interesting. What kind of project is it?
Bob: It's a marketing campaign for a new product launch. We're trying to come up with creative ways to promote it.
Ai: That sounds like a lot of work. How's it going so far?
Bob: It's going well, but there's still a lot to do. We ha ve a deadline coming up soon, so we're trying to stay focused.
Ai: I can ima gine. Well, good luck with everything.
Bob: Thanks, I a p preciate it. Hey, did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened up in town?
Ai: No, I ha ven't. What's it called?
Bob: It's called The Bistro. They ha ve a really unique menu and the atmosphere is great.
Ai: That sounds like a place I'd like to try. Maybe we can go there sometime.
Bob: Definitely, let's plan on it.


答案:Hey there, do you ha ve a minute to talk about something?
Ben: Sure, what's on your mind?
Ai: Well, I was thinking about our upcoming project and I wanted to discuss some ideas with you.
Ben: That sounds great. What did you ha ve in mind?
Ai: I was thinking that we could divide the tasks equally b e tween us and set a deadline for each task.
Ben: That's a good idea. How about we also schedule regular meetings to check on each other's progress?
Ai: Yes, that's a great suggestion. We can also brainstorm together and bounce off ideas from each other.
Ben: Absolutely, collaboration is key to a successful project. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Ai: Actually, I was also thinking about delegating some tasks to other team members who might ha ve more expertise in certain areas.
Ben: That's a s mart move. Let's make sure to communicate clearly with them and make sure everyone is on the same pa ge.
Ai: Agreed. I think with these strategies in place, we can ensure a s mooth and successful project.
Ben: I couldn't a gree more. Thanks for bringing these ideas to my attention and let's get to work!


1. 问候语
Good morning/afternoon/evening!(早上/下午/晚上好!)
How are you?(你好吗?)
2. 自我介绍
My name is...(我的名字是...)
I'm from...(我来自...)
I'm a student/teacher/worker...(我是学生/老师/工人...)
3. 交流
Nice to meet you!(很高兴认识你!)
What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)
Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)
What do you do?(你做什么工作?)
Do you speak English?(你会说英语吗?)
4. 道别
See you later!(待会儿见!)
Take care!(保重!)


1. 英语口语教材:市面上有很多英语口语教材,可以根据自己的英语水平和需求选择。比如《剑桥国际英语口语教材》、《新概念英语口语教程》等。


