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商铺租赁合同 英文范本一

This Agreement is made at _____, on the _____day of_____ xx年___月___日签订。合同双方为:_____(以下称为“出租人”)和____先生夫人小姐(以下称为“承租人)。

The parties to the contract agree as follows:


. The Lessor agrees to lease and the Lessee agrees to take on lease unit(s)of shophouses, Room Nos _____, situated at _____Road, Tambo______, District of _____, Province of _____, with telephone number _____, for a period of ____ years at a monthly rental of ___ baht.


2. The Lease period aforementioned in Clause shall be effective as of the date the Lessor completes all details as in Clause 3, and notifies the Lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.

在以上第 条款中所规定的租期,从出租人完成第3条款所有规定并在7天内通知承租方后开始生效。

3. The Lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details:


3. ——




4. On this contract signing date, the Lessor has received a deposit as rent security amounting to_______baht. Should the Lessee be overdue on rent payment for any month, the Lessee agrees for the Lessor to immediately deduct the amount due from the said deposit as rent payment.


5. The Lessee agrees to pay rent to the Lessor by or before the_____th day of every month. Should the Lessee be in default of rent payment within the said period, the Lessee agrees that this contract then becomes extinct without any notification.


6. Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the Lessee.


7. Should the shophouse be legally condemned before expiration of the contract, the parties agree that the contract becomes extinct and shall not claim any damages from each other. Provided that the Lessee still resides in the building for which the Lessee shall pay rent to the Lessor until the Lessee moves out of the building and completes handover of the building to the Lessor.


8. The Lessee agrees to pay rent and all telephone bills to the Telephone organization of Thailand from the day of the enforcement of this contract.


9. The Lessor agrees that he shall not increase the rent for a period of 2 years from the date of this contract signing.


0. The Lessor agrees that upon expiration of this contract at the end of the lease period, the Lessor shall allow the Lessee to continue leasing for another period of___years, on condition that the Lessee has not breached this contract in any way.


. The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate. Any modifications or additions carried out on the leased building by the Lessee may be done only with the Lessor's prior written permission. Any new structure resulting from modification, addition or repair to the leased building becomes the property of the Lessor, and the Lessee cannot claim any damages. This lease contract is terminated should the leased building be subject to a fire disaster.


2. The Lessee shall permit the Lessor or his representative to enter the leased building for inection at appropriate times.


3. The Lessee shall not sub-let the building to any other persons, except with the prior written approval of the Lessor.


4. For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.


5. Breach of contract in any regard on the part of the Lessee shall be grounds for the Lessor to terminate this contract immediately; the Lessee shall then permit the Lessor to have right to repossess the leased building immediately.


This contract is made in duplicate. The parties to the contract having read and understood the entire substance of the contract hereby sign their names in the presence of witnesses.










商铺租赁合同 英文范本二

Between _____________and _____________

出租方 (以下简称甲方) :_____________身份证号:_____________________ Owner(Part A):________________ID Card NO. _____________________

承租方 (以下简称乙方) :_____________身份证号: _____________________ Renter(Part B):________________ID Card NO. _____________________



clear the rights and obligations of both parties, under the principle of equality, voluntariness and been fully negotiated, created the rent contract.

第一条 租赁内容


. 租赁地址:甲方将其位于_________________________________的商铺租赁给乙方作商业经营用途。甲方对所出租的商铺具有合法产权、并出示房产证(或具有出租权的有效证明)、身份证明等文件;乙方也应提供身份证明文件。双方可复印对方文件备存。所有复印件仅供本次租赁使用,不得挪作它用。

. LOCATION: Part B rent the shop located on__________________ from Part A for commercial business purposes. The shop is the legal property owned by Part A, and showed the property ownership certificate (or other certificate can prove the Part A have the rights to rent the shop legally),

identifications and other documents which needed for law; Party B should also provide identification. The two parties can copy each other documents for

keeping. All copies can use for the rent affairs only, and can not be used for any other purpose.

.2 租赁面积:甲方租赁给乙方的商铺建筑面积为_____平方米,使用面积为_____平方米。甲方将该商铺交付乙方使用时,商铺结构及配套设施为:简装修。承租期内乙方在不改变和影响房屋整体结构的前提下,可进行装修装饰、对室内空间进行重新划分;若期满不续租,其装修材料由乙方自行处理,若拆除,其费用由乙方自理。

.2 AREA: The area of the shop is ____㎡(SQUARE METERS), in this area, ____㎡ can be used. When Part A put into serviced the shop to Part B, the shop building structure and the supporting equipments was: SIMPLE DECORATION. During the rent time, Part B have the rights to decorate the shop and redistrict the ace but can not change and influrence the building structure; When the contract be expired and do not renew, Part B have all

rights to handle the decorations, if dismantle the decorations, Part B pay all the cost.

第二条 租赁期限


2. 租赁期限:甲乙双方商定,租赁期限自年月日起至24:00止,共力影响导致的合同终止情形外,任何一方不得破坏租赁期限的完整和连续。 2. CONTRACT PERIOD: After both parties agreed, the term of contract is: stcontract terminated and the force majeure due to the influence of the contract to be terminated, either parties can not destroy the integrity and continuity of the contract.

2.2 装修免租期:甲方承诺自交付商铺给乙方的第一个月给乙方做装修,免其租金。即自xx年06月0 日起xx年07月0 日止。租金从次月开始收取。

2.2 RENTAL-FREE PERIOD: Part A promised to make the first month to be RENTAL-FREE PERIOD after the shop be able to use for Part B. The period stst2

2.3 续租:合同期满后,甲方如继续出租该商铺,则同等条件下,乙方可享有优先承租权。乙方如有意续租,可于合同期满前30天向甲方提出,双方另行协商,订立新的租赁合同。

2.3 CONTRACT EXTENSION: After the contract be expired, if the shop still be able to be rent, Part B have the priority right to rent. If Part B have the mind contract be expired, after negotiated, create the new rent contract.

2.4 合同的中止


2.4. 乙方有如下情形之一时,甲方有权提前中止合同,收回商铺:

a, 乙方利用该商铺从事非法活动或损害公共利益的;

b, 乙方拖欠租金超过

2.4. Under the follow status of Part B, Part A have the rights to terminate

the contract, take back the shop: a, Part B use the shop to do the illegal or public-interests damaging



a,甲方不能提供商铺或提供商铺不符合条件,严重影响乙方正常使用; b,甲方未尽房屋修缮义务,严重影响乙方正常使用的。

2.4.2 Under the follow status of Part A, Part B have the rights to terminate

the contract:

a, Part A can not offer the shop or the shop mismatch conditions,

seriously affect the normal using of Part B;

b, Part A does not matter the obligations, seriously affect the normal use of Part B.

第三条 租金及其支付方式和其它费用


3. 年租金总额:甲乙双方商定,租赁期内该商铺的年租金为¥________(大写:人民币_____________________圆整),合同期限内无浮动。

3. TOTALOF YEAR RENTAL: After both parties negotiated, the year rental is ¥________(_____________________RMB) during the contract period, and no fluctuate.

3.2 租金的支付:租金按年计算,按半年收付。乙方在每半年到期后月份的5日前将下半个年度租金以现金或转帐方式一次交付到甲方(节假日可顺延)。甲方收款后应提供给乙方有效的收款凭证。

3.2 RENTAL PAYMENT: The rental calculation is ANNUAL RENTAL. Part

B pay the rental as CASH or BANK TRANSFER to Part A in 5th of the next month after every half year period expired in one time(can postpone in holidays). Part have the obligations to offer the valid voucher to Part B.

3.3 首期款的支付:订立本合同后甲方将商铺交付乙方装修时,乙方一次向甲方交纳相当于租金总额 0%(百分之十)共计¥________(大写:人民币


3.3 THE MODE OF PAYMENT OF FIRSTINSTALLMENT: When Part A put into service shop to Part B for decorating after this contract be signed, Part B pay 0% of total rental in one time, it is: ¥________

(_____________________RMB); After RENTAL-FREE PERIOD, Part B pay the remainder rental in this RENTAL PERIOD to Part A in one time;

3.4 水、电费及其他公用事业费:合同期内,政府对租赁物征收的有关税、费项,由甲方负责缴交,该商铺的卫生费、电费、水费及经营活动产生的一切费用由乙方负责,乙方应如期足额缴交上述应缴费用,如因乙方欠费造成向甲方追缴时,甲方有权向乙方追缴。

3.4 WATER,ELECTRIC AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITY CHARGES: During contract period, Part A pay all the tax and charges, etc government revenue from the shop, and Part B pay the clean, electric, water and all the charges because the business, Part B have the obligations to pay the charges enough and on time, if Part A be disgorged from other parties cause Part B arrears, Part A have the rights to disgorge from Part B.

3.5 合同签订时水电表使用情况:




3.5 The status of water and electric meters when contract be signed: WATER METER: ___________ TON(ES)


The copies of the latest water and electric charged voucher be confirmed and signed by both parties then add into the contract as annex.

第四条 招牌设置



Part A agreed Part B set the shop signs and other advertising equipments with company logo(such as: illuminating tranarent advertising lamp box, erect signs and outside advertising signs, etc.) in outside of the shop comply with the state laws, regulations, government regulations and normative documents, and Part A have the obligations to assist Part B to apply to the property management company, construction and other signs setting works needed negotiate with other parties.

第五条 双方的责任和权利


5. 甲方的责任和权利




a, Part A have the obligation to issue the shop and supporting

equipments condition is good and can be use normally;



b, Part A have the obligation to repair and maintenance the shop

structures, in every case of government requests reconstruct shop or

supporting equipments, Part A pay all the charges;



c, Part A have the obligation to coordinate the relationships with all the departments in the shop located district, and offer the valid property

ownership certificate and other document be relate to Part B apply the business license;

d, 不得以任何理由占用乙方所租门面及其附属设施,如门面前面的空地等。

d, Part A can not occupy the shop and equipments which the Part B with any reason, such as the empty land outside of the shop.

5.2 乙方的责任和权利


a, Part B have the legal right to use the rented shop and supporting

equipments during the rent period;


b, Part B have the obligations to do business as the state law,



c, Part B can not store the dangers, prohibited goods in the shop;


d, Part B have the obligations to pay rental and other charges cause

business on time, can not arrears without reason;



e, Part B have the obligation to get the authorization from Part A when install the equipments’ value over the limited of the water and electric

meters’ value, Part B also have obligation to make the application to the related department and pay all the charges;


e, When the contract be expired or terminated, all the properties owned by Part B, Part B have the rights to handle the properties, Part A can not interfere with any reason in any modality;



f, When the contract be expired or terminated, both parties need check the shop and supporting equipments together, after either parties

confirmed, Part A take back the shop. If anything be broken, Part B

need pay for as market price.

第六条 出租方和承租方的变更


6. 产权人与承租人:合同期内,甲方和乙方中任何一方法定代表人(或产权人)变更、企业迁址、合并,不影响本合同继续履行。变更、合并后的一方即成为本合同当然执行人,并承担本合同的内容之权利和义务;

6. OWNER AND RENTER: During contract period, either of both parties’ legal representative(or property owner) be changed, company moved or

merged, will not influence the contract continue perform. Anyone fter change, merge be the successor will be the performer, and assume all the rights and obligations in the contract;

6.2 转租:合同期内,乙方如欲将租赁的商铺转租给第三方时,必须事先征得甲方同意,并由三方书面确认,取得使用权的第三方成为本合同的当然乙方,继续履行本合同;

6.2 SUBLEASE: During contract period, if Part B want sublet the shop to other parties, should consent by Part A and get the written confirm, the party who get the using rights, will be the Part B, continue perform this contract;

6.3 甲方欲出售房屋,必须在三个月前书面通知乙方,并且要保证租赁期限的完整。

6.3 When the Part A want sell the shop, must written inform Part B at least 3 months before, and must issue the rent period in the contract.

第七条 违约及处理


7. 任何一方未能履行本合同规定的条款的,均视为违约;

7. Either parties can not perform the rules and conditions in the contract, all deemed to be default;


7.2.If Part B defaulted, Part A have the rights to terminate the contract and do not need pay back the paid rental;

7.3若甲方违约,乙方有权提前解除合同,且甲方必须双倍退还乙方已缴纳但未完成使用期限的全部租金,并赔偿乙方装修费。装修费赔偿标准:若第一年内违约,赔偿全部装修款( 00%),以实际装修情况计算;若第二年违约。赔偿装修款的70%,以实际装修情况计算;若第三年违约,赔偿装修款的50%,以实际装修情况计算;

7.3 If Part A defaulted, Part B have the rights to terminate the contract and Part A must double pay the rental Part B had paid, pay for the decoration cost. The decoration compensation standard is: st year, pay for 00% of the

decoration cost, count as the actually payment;2nd year, pay for 70% of the decoration cost, count as the actually paymentt;3rd year, pay for 50% of the decoration cost, count as the actually payment.

7.4:违约方逾期向守约方赔付违约金或逾期向守约方赔偿经济损失的,每逾期一天,守约方有权向违约方加收实欠违约金总额 %的滞纳金;

7.4 The defaulter who arrears, need pay the liquidated damages to opposite party, arrears every day, performer have the rights to charge % of the total arrearage;


7.5 The force majeure due to the influence of the contract to be can not continue perform, do not deemed to be default, both parties avoid each other’s obligations.

第八条 合同生效及纠纷处理

8. :本合同自双方签字加印手印(右手食指)后即生效,具有法律效力;

8. After signature and finger printed(right index finger), this contract be go into effect with the force of law;


8.3 Any affairs had not type into the contract, after both parties negotiated,

create supplemental agreement, after both parties signature and finger printed add into the contract as annex, annex have the same force of law with the contract;


8.3 During the perform process, if Part A and Part B diute, should going to negotiate equality, when negotiate failed, either party have the right to apply conciliation or arbitration to the property manage department which the shop located in, or institute legal proceedings to the court which the shop located in.

第九条 其它



The official text of the contract in duplicate, Part A, B each holds one, has the same legal effect;


All but the signature part, this contract is printing, hand writing is invalid.

甲方签字:_________________ 手印: _________________

Part A Signature: _________________Finger Printer: _________________ 签字日期: ______年___月___日


乙方签字:_________________ 手印:_________________

Part A Signature: _________________Finger Printer: _________________ 签字日期: ______年___月___日


签字地点: 山东·枣庄

Signed at: Zaozhuang city, Shandong province, China

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